Build a continuously-deliverable data migration pipeline with the SQLizer API

With SQLizer’s API it takes just 4 steps to get your data from any proprietary platform with an API for data export (e.g. MongoDB, Mixpanel, or Salesforce) into a MySQL or MS SQL Server database.

  1. Following the API instructions provided by the platform that you want to migrate data from, export your data in JSON, CSV, or Excel format

  2. Initiate the file conversion for SQLizer and upload your exported file according to our step by step process

  3. Wait for your file to convert and then download the finished SQL file, which includes INSERT statements and TABLE definitions

  4. Upload the SQL file into your MySQL or MS SQL Server database

And that’s all it takes to set up a pipeline of continuous migration to your SQL database.

Why is SQLizer better than any other option?

  • Multiple conversions at once mean you can export and import from various sources at the same time, drastically reducing time spent on data migration tasks.

  • Huge files in the gigabytes are easily handled with the SQLizer API and you won’t even need to chunk them into multiple parts.

  • You won’t need to write your own scripts each time you want to migrate data. SQLizer has been in production a while, encountering all sorts of crazy migration edge cases. That means we’ll be able to convert any file you have with no problem.

  • You can migrate files without leaving your command line.

Completely secure

Ensuring smooth data migration ranks pretty highly but nothing is more important than keeping your data safe. You’ve entrusted your data and SQL conversion to us and we take that extremely seriously.

  • SQLizer is HTTPS only

  • We never share, sell, or publish your data

  • Files are stored in secure, encrypted AWS storage

  • All files are automatically deleted after 48 hours (to allow time for conversion and download)

With the SQLizer API, keeping data centralized and up-to-date in your SQL database is easier than ever. Read more about the API or migrate some data right now.

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Read more about the API or migrate some data right now.