
  • A brief history of JSON

    JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON to you and me, was popularized by a man who made video games at Atari in the 1980s. But more on that later. In the 15 years it’s been around, JSON has replaced XML as the file format for transferring data on the web. A...

  • The decade of fierce database debate

    The great NoSQL vs SQL flamewars of a few years ago may have calmed down, but what did we learn? ​ Aside from the fact that arguing on the internet doesn’t get anyone anywhere, maybe not much at all. If anything, the market is even more confusing now than ever...

  • SQLizer or script for database migration?

    Developers are SQLizer’s main customers and you’d be forgiven, as a developer, for thinking “why don’t I just write a DB converter script myself?” Yet it’s really not so simple. Getting a script to work some of the time is different from it working 98% of the time. But if...

  • A brief history of the CSV file

    Ahh… the trusty CSV (comma separated values) file! Knocking around ten years before the first personal computer (that’s since 1972), the CSV file is one of the most ubiquitous and useful file types there is. One of the most common uses: transferring data between databases, often CSV to SQL. Just...

  • 7 surefire ways to lightning charge your SQL queries

    Nobody likes hanging around for results while their SQL query sluggishly retrieves data - especially if you’ve already waited to convert Excel to MySQL or some other data conversion. The two biggest factors affecting SQL query run-time are database design and SQL query optimization. While database design might be out...

  • When should you store data as a JSON string?

    JSON is a popular format for storing and exchanging data on the web. It’s also becoming an increasingly common format for database migration from modern apps (such as MixPanel, SalesForce, and Shopify) over to SQL databases. We know because we see a fair amount of JSON to MySQL conversions 😄...

  • April 2017: Microsoft SQL Server support, new features, bug fixes, and front page Hacker News!

    SQLizer product update April 2017 This month brings a massive new feature, some small product tweaks, and various bug fixes. What’s new Support for Microsoft SQL Server There’s now a Database Type dropdown on the homepage The API has a new DatabaseType property Changing the DatabaseType to SQLServer means you...

  • SQL is 43 years old - here’s 8 reasons we still use it today

    In this year’s Stack Overflow Developer’s Survey 64,000 developers laid bare their innermost developer secrets. How they learn, the tools they use, what they want - it’s all there. The whole survey is a fascinating foray into the brains of developers and the global software industry. But one thing struck...

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