
  • Learning SQL for Beginners in 2024

    It’s a data-driven world, and SQL (Structured Query Language) is akin to a treasure map leading to valuable insights. Whether you’re a budding programmer or an experienced professional, mastering SQL can unlock doors to new opportunities and enhance your career prospects. Let’s delve into the world of SQL and explore...

  • SQLizer Pricing Update

    Dear SQLizer Community, We value your continued support and trust in SQLizer. Today, we’re announcing an important change that affects our pricing structure. Why the Update? Since our launch in 2016, we’ve strived to provide a reliable and user-friendly solution for converting files into SQL databases. However, the landscape of...

  • How to convert XML to SQL: The Clever Way [Updated 2023]

    To convert XML to SQL some wizardry is needed. Unlike CSV files and database tables, XML files aren’t naturally organized into rows and columns: XML is hierarchical. In this way XML is similar to JSON. In order to convert XML to SQL then, SQLizer must work out how to flatten...

  • How to convert JSON to SQL - the quick and easy way [Updated 2023]

    If you want to convert JSON to SQL there’s no concrete or straightforward way of doing things. Conversion is usually tricky because JSON and SQL are written using different structures. Realistically, you have only two options: use a conversion tool like SQLizer or write some code and build yourself a...

  • Converting a Word Document to an SQL Database with SQLizer

    Wait, what? A Word document? Have you ever found yourself faced with a Word document containing a wealth of data, all neatly structured in a repeating pattern, and wished to seamlessly migrate it to an SQL database for robust querying and manipulation? Well, prepare to have your mind blown: A...

  • Why would a developer convert Excel, XML or JSON to a SQL database INSERT statement?

    There are several reasons why a seasoned software developer might want to convert a file (Excel, CSV, XML or JSON) to a SQL database INSERT statement: Data Persistence: SQL databases provide a more reliable and efficient way of storing data for long-term use. Converting files to SQL INSERT statements allows...

  • Getting Started: Converting files to SQL with the SQLizer API

    Getting started with the SQLizer API The SQLizer API is a REST interface which gives you programmatic access to our file conversion algorithm. The processes of converting a file with the API follows four steps: Create a ‘file’ via the SQLizer API Upload your file’s data Monitor the conversion progress...

  • Convert a JSON file to SQL Database Table, Free

    Here’s how to convert a JSON file into a SQL database table insert statement, for free, using SQLizer: Visit SQLizer Website: Go to the SQLizer website. Upload JSON File: Click on the “Browse” button to upload your JSON file. Navigate to the location where your JSON file is stored on...

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