In the world of data management, security is paramount. One way to ensure the security of your data is by periodically rotating your API keys. This blog post will guide you through the process of managing your SQLizer API keys.

Why Rotate API Keys?

Rotating API keys is a common security practice. It involves changing API keys at regular intervals, which can help prevent unauthorized access to your account. If an API key is accidentally leaked or gets into the wrong hands, the potential damage can be limited by rotating the key.

Managing Your SQLizer API Keys

SQLizer provides a user-friendly interface for managing your API keys. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add and delete API keys in SQLizer.

How to Add a New Key

  1. Sign into your SQLizer account with your email address and password.
  2. Click on your email address in the top navigation to visit your account.
  3. Under “Generate a new API key”, type a short memorable name for the key, for example “develop” or “production” and click “Generate”.

Tip: There’s a shortcut “copy to clipboard” icon next to every API key. Use this to easily copy your new API key.

How to Delete a Key

  1. Click on your email address in the top navigation to visit your account.
  2. Under “API”, click the “trash can” delete icon to permanently remove the key.

It’s important to keep your API keys private, secure and rotate them periodically.

New Guide: Automatically update your API keys every day with jq, curl and cron.

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