SQLizer product update April 2017

This month brings a massive new feature, some small product tweaks, and various bug fixes.

What’s new

  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server
    • There’s now a Database Type dropdown on the homepage
    • The API has a new DatabaseType property
    • Changing the DatabaseType to SQLServer means you get different SQL syntax.

Choose your database type

  • The results page has a URL text box that you can use to copy and paste the URL for the results file. This is only shown if you’re not logged in. If you’re logged in the file is linked to your user account and so should be visible on the “files” page.

  • Improved date and time handling. SQLizer can now properly handle whitespace either side of the date and knows what “AM” and “PM” mean.

  • Various copy and layout changes.

Front page of Hacker News for SQLizer

At the end of April we published an article about why we still use SQL despite it being around for 43 years.

And we hit the front page of Hacker News and received over 2,000 upvotes on reddit!

With a whopping 850+ comments across both, it’s safe to say which database technology we use as developers is a fraught topic.

It was great for us to see one of our posts sparking so much debate and receive so many views!

Future developments

We have some feature updates in the pipeline along with general performance and product improvements for coming months - so keep your eyes peeled!

If you’ve got any suggestions that can help us improve SQLizer then please get in touch! Tweet us @SQLizerio or send over an email.

-The SQLizer team