SQL is 43 years old - here’s 8 reasons we still use it today
In this year’s Stack Overflow Developer’s Survey 64,000 developers laid bare their innermost developer secrets. How they learn, the tools they use, what they want - it’s all there. The whole survey is a fascinating foray into the brains of developers and the global software industry. But one thing struck...
How to convert Excel to SQL hassle-free [2017]
Update: we have a newer, updated version of this guide here for 2022. It’s normal to have data in an Excel workbook that needs to be converted into a SQL database. The easiest way by far is to use an online Excel to SQL converter like SQLizer. But if you’ve...
SQLizer Product Update March 2017
SQLizer Product Update March 2017 As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve made a few UI changes to SQLizer in the past month or so. These changes should improve the overall conversion experience and make the app even easier to use. But SQLizer hasn’t just had a minor facelift - we’ve rolled...
How to convert CSV to SQL - the easy way
SQLizer makes it painless to convert CSV files to SQL databases (in only 30 seconds too!) But for the sake of fairness we thought we’d outline three other ways you can convert CSV to SQL. You know… just in case you enjoy spending time doing fiddly, manual tasks. First up,...
An overview of privacy and security at SQLizer
SQLizer has two priorities: data security and consistently smooth SQL conversions. Ensuring smooth conversion ranks pretty highly but nothing is more important than keeping your data safe. You’ve entrusted your data and SQL conversion to us and we take that extremely seriously. Security is our highest priority How...
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